Hong Kong Green Healthcare

Green Solutions
Responsible Energy Use
A light bulb moment

Hospitals are highly energy intensive buildings. Running 24/7, hospitals use 2.5 times more energy per square foot than a typical office building. Electricity is used for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, sterilization, powering various electronic devices and life support systems. Fossil fuel is combusted on-site for cooking, powering fleet vehicles and heating.
Majority of the energy is generated from combustion of fossil fuels, which leads to air pollution and climate change. Outdoor air pollution kills more than 4.5 million people each year globally, contributing to cardiac diseases, stroke, chronic lung diseases, and lung cancer. It has been estimated that a 30% reduction in the US health care system's electricity consumption by 2030 would prevent 4,130 premature deaths, 85,000 asthma attacks, 4 million respiratory symptom events and 3,750 hospital attendance, saving USD 1.2 billion in medical costs.

Majority of the energy is generated from combustion of fossil fuels, which leads to air pollution and climate change.

There are a number of strategies to reduce the impact of energy use:
Demand-side management: Reducing energy consumption where it's not required, and improving efficiency of energy use
Supply-side management: Displacing conventional energy with clean renewable energy
In Hong Kong, fossil fuel combustion makes up 72% of the energy mix. Hence it is important to advocate for and drive a societal transition to clean renewable energy, with the aim to bring down the climate impact of health care services and the city as a whole.

Switch off electronic devices and lights when not in use
Set back HVAC after hours, provide ventilation on basis of occupancy
Use energy efficient products, such as LED lights
Support a societal change to clean energy sources
Generate renewable energy on site, e.g. use solar panels
Harness energy from waste heat or food waste
Purchase renewable energy
Smart energy meters to monitor and analyze energy usage patterns at various location in the building at various time points to identify areas for improvement
Some practical ideas

Successful stories
Responsible energy use
A 'power down' initiative was implemented by the Green OR Committee at the Carolinas Medical Center in the United States.
There are 50 light bulbs, two computers, and one anesthesia machine within one operating room in their centre on average. All idling equipment, lights, computers and radios are turned off after hours. An average of four operating rooms are active and running at all times.

Annual saving US$33,004
Annual carbon emission reduction 234.3 tons
Another way of delivering tender loving care
In Barts Health NHS Trust, Operation TLC was initiated in 2013. It is a staff engagement program, in which 3 habits were encouraged:
Turn off equipments
Lights out
Close windows and doors
Apart from conserving energy, excessive noise and light pollution were reduced, and room temperatures were better regulated.

Patient wellbeing improved by having 33% fewer sleep disruption
Annual saving over £100,000
Annual carbon emission reduction 800 tons

Ideas and challenges
Has my organization established and defined goals for sustainable development? Has the vision been actively and adequately communicated to our staff?
Do we have regular staff engagement programs on energy conservation?
Can we shift a portion of our energy consumption to renewable energy? Can solar panels be installed?
Executive leaders

Have I switched off my computer, printer, lights, phone and air conditioner when I leave my office?
Are the lights and TV in the common rooms turned on all the time even when no one is around?

Can more lights in the ward be switched off at bedtime?
Are the lights and TV in the common rooms turned on all the time even when no one is around?

Facility managers

Can smart energy meters be installed to analyze energy usage pattern in different location of the building at various time points?
Is energy efficiency given priority when purchasing energy consuming devices?
Is it feasible to generate or harvest on-site renewable energy? Such as installing solar panels.
Occupation icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com